The Links Between Autism and Low Birth Weight

In a research at the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Nursing they have found a link between low birthweight and diagnoses of autism.  With the likability of five times more a premature infant is at a greater risk of having autism. The children tested some were born as small as a pound, were studied for 21 years.  The infants were born between September 1984 and July 1987. They were born in Middlesex, Monmouth, and Oceancounties in New Jersey. Their birthweights ranging between 500 grams to 2000 grams or at a maximum of around 4.4 pounds.

Some of these links of low birthweight from motor to cognitive problems have been stated for a while now. While this is the first study to prove a link between birthweight and ASDb(autism spectrum disorders). Dr. Pinto-Marin made a point that if there is alink that parents should get there children tested early to help out latter intheir child’s life.

In a rough estimate 3% of U.S. newborns fall into the category of low birthweight. Children or infants born of this size are often born prematurely. Yet even with all the study we don’t know it there is a direct link between the weight and ASDs. For a while now we have known that there were higher risks in impairments and delay in some aspects of development. Even with this information it is difficult to connect autism and other development problems to either premature birth or low birth weight, Chaves-Gnecco says “because there are so many factors could be involved”. Yethe was not involved with the study.

In the experiment Pinto-Martin and her colleagues started periodically testing the children for various developmental disabilities and delays beginning at age 2. At age 16, they tested slightly more than half of them for ASD. About 19% tested positive in broad definition of ASD. Once at 21 they tested again and found that 14 of 119 had met the standards for ASD diagnosis. With the information they estimated the ASD rate to be 5%. The CDC estimates the 0.9% of 8-year-olds have an ASD in the United States. Saying 8 is the index age to test the overall rate of ASD.

  1. How many other disabilities and diseases are connected to low birthweight?
  2. At what age would any of the disabilities start to show?
  3. Is there any way to prevent a disability such as autism?

5 thoughts on “The Links Between Autism and Low Birth Weight

  1. This article was really good; I learned a lot from this I can now say I am autism professional. The question I wrote about was is autism was prevented. Well sorry to say Autisms cannot be prevented, it is a birth despises and can’t not be controllable. There is no way you can look at the parents and see if they will have an autism kid or not. Scientist says that the way you get an autism kid if there are not cared for in the wund.There has been many tries but no luck to fix these diseases.

  2. I chose to answer the question, “At what age would any of the disabilities start to show?” Well, autism cannot be diagnosed until the child is about 2 or 3. There are some instances where the child can be diagnosed before then, but those are only rare cases. To diagnose this disease, the medical examiner will disect the child’s interactions with people. These interactions can be crucial to diagnosing autism at a young age. Signs of autism can be seen as young as 6 months if the parent knows what they are looking for. Basically, it all depends on the child. To learn more visit:

  3. Before being able to understand the other disabilities and diseases linked to low birth weight, a person needs to understand more about the different causes of this serious problem. marchofdimes is reporting that 67% of low weight births is due to premature birth. Premature birth is characterized as any birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy have been completed. The babies weighing less than 1,500 grams are reported to be at highest risk for health problems. Some other babies are affected by fetal growth restriction, this can still result in a full-term pregnancy, but the baby is smaller. There are many causes to these different low birth weight issues, but overall, the message remains the same from any health class today; don’t smoke, drink, and do other illicit drugs.

    I got this info from

  4. The question that I answered was “Is there any way to prevent a disability such as autism?”Autism is cannot be cured. On the bright side there are ways to prevent though. It can be difficult to tell parents if their child has autism, because the causes towards autism are not unknown. Scientist have found that you cannot make a child autistic, and that factors of causing Autism aren’t during pregnancy, poor handling of the mother, or psychological factors. Also Scientist have been trying to find medication or injections to cure Autism, but there is no luck. The only treatment for autism is a structured training program. If the diagnose is sooner in the child’s life, the progress of the child will be very important to the doctors.

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