Dolphins ‘Talk’ Like Humans





     You might have heard about a new study of dolphins ‘talking’ like humans. This study was put on by scientists who tested how dolphins talk to one another in comparison to humans talking. I heard about this study online and it was very interesting to me because it is strange to think that even though a dolphin sounds very different from humans the noise that they make is the same process that humans use to speak.

     At first I didn’t believe that dolphins talk using the same way as humans because the sound they make is so different. Once I looked into the topic more it made a lot more sense to me. The study on how humans talk has been around for a long time but it has been somewhat of a recent experiment that dolphins use the same process to communicate. We use out tongue most to articulate certain sounds and our vocal fold to portray certain sounds that we want to make. Also, we use our lungs o be able to produce enough air and oxygen to be able to speak.

Dolphins make a soundlike a whistle to communicate with one another and humans use different languages. Both use the same process to produce the sound so when dolphins talk it is like them just speaking another language. Dolphins use tissues and air cavities to produce the whistling sound they use to communicate. The study found by scientists says that the sounds are produced by tissue vibrations and the operation of vocal folds on dolphins using the same process from humans. Many animals use relatively the same process as humans to communicate but dolphins are the most closely related.

     There are recent studies out on the language of dolphins and humans eventually hope to be able to understand andcommunicate with dolphins. Even though, when dolphins speak it sounds as if they are whistling but the pitch does not change. It sounds different because of the air frequencies therefore they are not whistling. Dolphin’s breath is made up of 80% helium and 20% oxygen. All in all, even though dolphins sound is different than humans the same body parts are functioning using the same process to communicate with one another.

     Why did it take so long for humans to realize how closely related they are to dolphins? How did dolphins become so closely related to humans? Did dolphins or human first produce the way of speaking? There are so many questions yet to be answered that can build off of information for new amazing discoveries.

5 thoughts on “Dolphins ‘Talk’ Like Humans

  1. I really like to talk and I also really like aquatic animals. So the fact that both are tied into one is awesome! Your blog was very interesting and well thought out. So I further researched about dolphins talking like humans. Dolphins “talk” to each other, using the same process to make their high-pitched sounds as humans. Dolphins don’t actually whistle as has been long thought, but instead rely on vibrations of tissues in their nasal cavities, that we humans cannot hear. The dolphins likely use tissue vibrations in their nasal cavities to produce their whistles.

  2. I like the topic you chose. I have heard things like this before, but haven’t really looked into them. I have also heard that dolphins are one of the most intellectually inclined aquatic animals. Not only that, but I heard they are one of the smartest mammals on the face of this earth. So I went off of your topic and wondered if just the ways of communication are alike between both human and dolphin, or if there were more. I found this article that somebody wrote that clearly lists plenty of things alike between human and dolphin. From the way they communicate, like you researched, to their DNA. Here is that site.

  3. This is a very interesting topic. I like it a lot because dolphins are my favorite mammal in the water. In the first question I think it was because, if you were around dolphins every day you would start thinking dolphins are behaving just like we would. Also the way they talk. Just like you said they make whistling noises, not only whistle noises but clicking sounds that give off sound frequencies. In my opinion i think it has been that we have been around them for centuries and we have seen that they are just like us. The last question is a hard one. There is no real evidence if we know who produced the way of speaking but i really think that the dolphins did. I am thinking before humans every excited another type of breed of the dolphins. Here are some websites you can check out for going on onto further conversation.

  4. Wow! I never new the dolphin spoke. Great Topic! Dolphins are so awesome and that they could communicate through a language is an amazing idea. I bet in a while they could figure out the dolphin’s language. Then humans could speak dolphin. Another class that high school students could fail. That would help us do research of the dolphins too bty figuring out what foods they like, places they like, and etc. It would be of huge benefit to the scientific community. It could also help increase the dolphins on the verge of extinction. I think this is a great topic that could be used a lot in biology.

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