Whale Songs & Friendships

       Whales once thought to be unsocial creatures are proving scientists wrong, and actually are very social creatures. Whales have shown that each feeding season they feed with the same group of whales. Scientists don’t know how they contact one another, but they are theorizing that it is through sounds known as whale songs. Some whales were already known to be social with each other, but now other species are showing that they too are social creatures. With this new data that they are finding a question has been raised and it still needs to be answered for the whales. Are whale social groups being torn apart by commercial whaling? I believe that the whales are being torn apart for if they stick together and feed in packs they are more likely to get hunted down.

     New underwater recordings are showing that whales adjust their songs to match that of their singing partners. Scientists are theorizing that whales like to sing to each other thus strengthening the relationships between females in the group. A team of investigators followed a group of sperm whales in the Pacific Ocean, and a group of seven in the Caribbean. They recorded the whales using clicking sounds to communicate. The team of investigators found that 79% of the time the groups of whales were close enough to where they could see each other. Although they use their whale songs to identify each other whales aren’t simply using their songs to locate another whale.

Studies have shown that when whales are communicating they will often repeat the phrase that their partner used. Whales will continue to repeat the phrase that their partner last spoke until the whale’s songs are in unison. When they repeat a phrase they
won’t always copy the entire phrase, but will only copy part of it to speak back. When the whales copy the phrase they tend to use the same timing between pauses and the same timing between clicks.

Whales often sings tightly coordinated duets with each other, these duets help form bonds between different whales in a group. Interestingly, studies have shown that only female whales form these bonds. These bonds have been shown to be beneficial, for the whales that have the most stable and durable relationships often give birth to more calves than those without these bonds. So, the studies have basically shown that the more these bonds form the more calves will be born, and the better off the species
will be.

The longest whale friendship known today is 6 years long and had occurred between two mature female whales. Could there possibly be a whale friendship that has lasted longer and just hasn’t been recorded? Since whales are highly social animals that are
tight-knit they could stay in a group for ten years or more. Scientists say that relationships between male and female whales has never lasted this long. It is unknown why female whales form better bonds than when male and female whales do. Female whales with this bond often are together when the different feeding seasons start. I t is unknown how they locate each other but they theorize that the whale use their whale songs to recognize each other. So when whales form these bonds you can know that the friendship will be for a long time.

Whales are truly misunderstood animals; they are more social than anyone ever thought. They sing to each other and even hunt together to me that sounds like they are social. There are some serious questions that need to be answered about whales before they are killed off.  Are whale groups being torn apart by commercial whaling? What can you do to help the whales survive? Are there more types of ways that whales use to bond?

2 thoughts on “Whale Songs & Friendships

  1. Whales are interesting, beautiful creatures. It’s sad they are in danger, especially because of all the oil spills happening that WE are causing this. Its time America stops being greedy, and we need to realize that it’s impacting the world, and hundreds of species.


    Whales don’t only make sounds to communicate with eachother, male whales use their sound waves to detect objects and organisms. Whales also make sounds to threaten preditors. It’s funny how some harmonize together by “songs”.


  2. It’s super interesting to know that whales communicate by basically singing to each other. I think it’s very cool to know that they communicate with each other similarly to the way we humans do.

    This article says that killer whales also communicate by song, but also by “clicking”. Also, they communicate by touch. Through their actions, they can show affection and aggression, the same way we do. It’s interesting that, in terms of communication, whales and humans are pretty alike!

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