
A concussion is a minor traumatic brain injury that may occur when the head hits an object, or a moving object strikes the head. A concussion can be minor but it’s still very serious. Concussions aren’t always the same there is different types before returning to play, second impact syndrome, and ways to prevent concussions. either seconds or longer. If a player has been unconscious for a few seconds

There are three different types of guidelines to look at before returning back to sports. The first type consists of no loss of consciousness, transient confusion, and mental status abnormalities last less than 15 minutes. When this happens players can play that day if symptoms resolve within 15 minutes. This is for concussion types that are mild. The second type has the same side effects except the mental status abnormalities last more than 15 minutes. After this the player can only return after he or she has been symptom free for a full week. This would be for people of a moderate concussion type. The last type is loss of consciousness forthey can return to play after a full week of no symptoms. But if a player has been unconscious for several minutes or more it would be at least two weeks. This would be for a more severe concussion type. A severe concussion could be caused because of second impact syndrome.

Second impact syndrome is a condition that occurs when a person gets a second concussion before symptoms of the first concussion are gone. Second impact syndrome or (SIS) has negative effects. These effects are physical paralysis, mental disabilities, and epilepsy; there is also a 50% chance of death. SIS is serious consequences if someone doesn’t let their concussion heal. Teenagers are the most affected by SIS. The reason for this is because they are the least likely to report their injuries or take the time to recover from a concussion when they are hurt. This causes problems in high school sports and for parents. Doctors that it’s rare for a SIS case when the injured player is referred to a physician after the first impact. When people go see a physician they help give effective prevention methods and things they can do to recover. This would help take care of possible SIS. There are certain measures that can be taken to lower the chance of concussions.

People wonder how concussions can be prevented. Concussions can’t be 100% prevented but there are products that can help lower the risk. Always wearing your helmet, mouth guard, head band or any other concussion prevention equipment can help. Shock absorbing mouth guards and helmets help protect someone’s head from objects or when someone’s head hit’s the ground. There are some doctors that believe neck strength can help lower concussion risk as well. With stronger neck strength it can help lower the g-forces inside the brain. Lowering the g-forces means less impact the brain has, lowering chance of a concussion. But the greatest way to prevent concussions very basic. All someone has to do is learn proper technique, play by the rules, and limit their overall dose of impact. All these methods will help people prevent the chance of a concussion.

Different types of concussions before returning back to play, Second impact syndrome, and ways to prevent concussions are all important to know and look out for. People need to use the guidelines before returning, because if someone comes back to early it would make the concussion worse. Second impact syndrome is dangerous and can be prevented by seeing doctors just to make sure they are okay. Finally wearing the right gear and playing smart can help prevent concussions. Some concussions may never heal so always take the right precautions.


Are concussions easier for some people to get?


How close to normal can your brain get after a concussion?


How dangerous are concussions?


5 thoughts on “Concussions

  1. Concussion always scare me because in some cases there are some part of the brain could be damaged. My parents test people with brain injuries and disorders. They sometimes see people with parents told my they even tested college football players after a concussion. My parent never want me to play football or hockey because of the impact one concussion can have on the brain. The front part of the brain takes part in language, speaking and thinking.
    It’s easier for people to get concussions, some get small concussions or mild ones. They are able to recover from a concussion very fast.
    After a concussion your brain ins’t normal until it’s gone. Sometimes concussions have long-lasting effects. Until all your symptoms from the concussion have been cleared by doctor don’t return to normal activities.

    Concussions are very dangerous things and should be talked more often in the sports world. They can cause permanent impairment and evidence is shown though personality changes.

  2. This blog is very interesting because concussions are a very common sports injury, and it can have serious consequences if not treated right away. I think there are probably repercussions to having a serious concussion when you are younger. It can probably lead to headaches and maybe confusion later in life. Concussions can also be hard to identify because most concussions occur without a loss of consciousness. That could make second impact syndrome more likely, and more dangerous. I have had a concussion and did not realize at first, then within the next week I had headaches and extreme dizziness. It also affected my ability to concentrate and function normally. The highest rates in concussions are also football, and girl’s soccer. Soccer is a sport which it is especially dangerous to get a concussion in because there is no gear to protect your head. Your blog on concussion was written very well, and it broke down concussions simply and it was easy to understand.

  3. I have had a concussion before but I have not realized what could happen to you if you do not take it seriously and let your brain heal from the injury. I found out that there could be many permanent things that you could end up with if you don’t let yourself heal completely. Concussion can be very dangerous if they have been unconscious for 24 hours and could cause permanent damage as well. Like Epilesy which is when people have recurrent seizures causing the brain to not work properly. This would happen when someone has concussion repeatedly and don’t take the time to recover from each of the different concussions. A few other things that could happen is that you will get continues headaches, dizziness, difficulty time in breathing, depression and anxiety problems. If you recognize any symptoms of a concussion it would best in your interest to get tested for a concussion or find out what is really wrong. I found some of this information from this website and it contains much more information than what I have included.

  4. Wow, I did not realize all the different types of concussions there were, depending on how many you have had or how bad your concussion was. I find it interesting and true that teenagers are more apt to get seriously injured from concussions, because the fact that they do not think they are injured and keep playing the sport, therefore creating a greater chance of lifetime brain damage. I found a website that talked about helmets for basketball. Louisville actually has their players that have recently come back from concussion injuries, wear helmets during practice. It helps to keep those players who are still recovering safe, while letting them practice at the same time. Here is the link, . Overall, you did a great job of summing up the huge topic of concussions!

  5. I found this blog very interesting especially since I did my blog on headaches, what we can do about them, and how the brain reacts to headaches. I believe concussions are extremely dangerous and can lead to massive brain problems as you grow older, such as headaches. I’m not sure if concussions are easier to get for some people than others, the only way I can think of that would make it less likely to get concussions is to not play contact sports. Of course it’s very unlikely that you will encounter a fatal injury from a concussion but it’s definitely possible. The main thing is that concussions cause brain cell loss, and when you lose brain cells you can never get them back which is in essence making you dumber.

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