Sick Bones

Bone cancer is a skeletal cancer. It occurs as the first tumor in an area of rapid growth or as a spreading tumor from cancer elsewhere in the human body. Even though first bone tumors are rare, the risk is maximized during adolescence. In adults, bone cancer is linked to exposure to radiation. Long- term bone infection, Paget’s disease, and areas where the blood supply is cut off increase the risk of bone tumors. Majority of bone cancers are spreading tumors found in the pelvis or spine. Bone cancers are generally difficult to detect. Pain that increases during the night may be the only symptom a person has of bone cancer.

Primary bone cancer is a cancerous tumor that originates within the bone tissue. It is rare. However, it usually happens to develop in children and teenagers. The most common place for primary bone cancer to occur is the leg, below or above the knee. The first symptom is tender or painful swelling of the afflicted area. If the cancer happens to affect a bone in the leg, there may be pain while standing as well. The diseased bone is prone to fracturing easily. Those who fracture the bone beside or through a cancerous tumor would have felt severe pain months before the bone is actually completely fractured.

Bone Metastases is a cancerous tumor in the bone that has spread from a cancer in another place in the body. It often develops in the spine, ribs, or skull. Bone Metastases is more common, especially in elderly people because they are more likely to have cancer somewhere else in their body. The cancers that generally spread to bone are ones that originate in the prostate gland, thyroid gland, kidney, or breast. The symptoms are very similar to those of the main cancer. Piercing pain in the bone that increases during the night, swelling of the affected area, tenderness, and bones that fracture after minor injuries are all symptoms of bone metastases.

There are different things that can be done for treatment of bone cancers. One is surgery. Bone cancer may come back so the tumor and some of the tissue around the tumor has to be removed. Another is radiation therapy which may reduce the size of the tumor. Chemotherapy may also be given to destroy any remaining cancerous cells. Hormonal therapy is used to relieve the bone pain. For children, the surgeon might replace the bone with a metal device that grows as the child grows. In rare cases, amputation of a limb would need to take place.

In conclusion, bone cancer is a skeletal cancer that causes a lot of pain which may be the only symptom of it. The risk of getting bone cancer is maximized during adolescence.  It can either be diagnosed as primary or bone metastases. Primary is when the tumor originates in the bone tissue. Bone Metastases is when the tumor has spread from another cancer in the body. There are many treatments such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy to help deal with these two types of bone cancer.


1.)    Explain all the types of treatment and what they do to help with the bone cancer.

2.)    Determine where bone cancer is most likely to occur in the body.

3.)    What is the only symptom of bone cancer? How would you recognize it?

3 thoughts on “Sick Bones

  1. In an article I read, I learned that you could have 2 different types of surgeries to remove bone cancer. One way is surgery to remove a limb, but this procedure is becoming less common. Surgery to remove the cancer, but spare the limb is another way. The third way is, surgery for cancer that doesn’t affect the limbs. Radiation is also a way to help treat bone cancer, along with chemotherapy.

    Here is the article I read:

  2. I thought your blog was very interesting because it’s common for people our age. I also think it is interesting that bone cancer is most common in the pelvis and spine because those two places of our body are crucial to living a normal life. I also think it is interesting and scary, that there really is no symptoms except pain that increases at night. I imagine this would be hard to diagnose in people our age because it could be brushed off as growing pain. This would be very hard to diagnose for athletes also because if you work out a lot you are bound to get sore. It is also strange that this kind of cancer can spread to other parts of your body because before reading your blog I thought to be malignant it had to be in an organ or the blood. On this website I found that there have been many new advances in the treatment of bone cancer.

  3. There are a few ways you can treat bone cancer. One way is through surgery, the doctors remove the tumor and the surrounding tissue. Also radiation is sometimes used, to kill all the cancer cells. Another way is with chemotherapy which will also kill the cancer cells. I read that bone cancer is most likely to occur in the spine or the base of the skull. Some symptoms can be weightloss that was not intended, swelling around the area of the tumor, bone pain, and fatigue.

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