Why do Dogs do This?

Why do dogs do the funny habit known as tail chasing? They could do this because they have OCD. OCD in dogs is a little different than in humans. OCD behaviors in dogs can include hallucinating, pica (appetite for non-food substances), and vocalizing. OCD is developed from 1 to 2 human years from birth, when the dog is maturing.

It occasionally is caused by stress, in which case you should see your veterinarian. Stress is not the only thing to cause OCD; it can also be caused by boredom and anxiety. If your dog is bored by it a chew toy or something else it can play with while you’re away. If your dog has anxiety issues, when you are home you should spend as much time possible with your dog. Separation anxiety is a big cause of OCD.

A compulsive disorder is characterized by repetitious, relatively unchanging sequence of behaviors. No breed or gender is more likely to have OCD. Some breeds have specific types of OCD though. It could be a descendent of another dog with OCD. OCD can start to be a problem when it increases in duration and intensity.

If you think your dag may have OCD, and then ask a professional if your dog does and ways to help it with OCD. They will need to do a physical exam on your dog. Give them a thorough history of your dog’s health. Your vet will also ask if there are any traumatizing incidents that could have caused it. This is the first step in assuring that your dog is okay.800px-USMC-04462

In conclusion, OCD can be hurtful to you and your dog. OCD is not very common amongst dogs in serious cases. OCD can easily become a dangerous threat to your dog. Dogs can be barely affected by OCD but still not have it. Speak with your vet if you think your dog may have it. Also stay healthy and be safe around your dog.

Will OCD in dogs be highly researched in the future?

Are all dogs susceptible to OCD?

Can you prevent OCD in your dog?

14 thoughts on “Why do Dogs do This?

  1. This blog has informed me on a lot about why some pets do what they do. I never knew that dogs would chase their tail because they have anxiety or they’re bored, I thought they just attacked it like a toy. OCD doesn’t happen in all dogs, depending on the dog, it’s different. I think that scientists will end up looking into studying the effects of house animals, or any animal.

    This site also has a ton more information on dogs and why they do what they do.

  2. This was a very informational article on OCD in dogs. I never even thought that dogs could have OCD. I myself have three dogs and after reading this and further research think that it’s possible that one of my dogs could have OCD. After more research I found that most animals can suffer from this. http://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/November-2012/Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder-In-Animals/
    Horses, birds, and cats are just a few examples of other animals that can have OCD.

  3. I find this post very interesting and informing. This post helps me understand why dogs, and maybe some other animals, have some of the behaviors that they do. I did some research on this and I found out that dogs might chase their tails to get more attention from you. If you laugh at them or watch them they will be more likely to do it

  4. I am glad that I read this post. now if my dog does something kind of strange, I will now have an idea of what could be causing that behavior and maybe how to stop it if necessary. I wanted to know abut some other animals that have it so I found and article that talked about all animals and how OCD affects them. It explained that animals in the wild perform routines, where as animals in captivity focus on having to do their rituals with consistency and without flaw, otherwise they are found bothered by it. Here is the website I used: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090127170708.htm

  5. So far I think that this is very good information for OCD in dogs. I have never known a dog to have this. I have never seen any compulsive behavior in a dog.
    From doing these compulsive behaviors, dogs can lose weight and physically injure themselves. Some breeds have some more common behaviors than others. Some have a licking problem, which causes skin problems. http://pets.webmd.com/dogs/guide/compulsive-behavior-dogs

  6. This blog taught me a lot of things that I didn’t know. One of my golden retrievers always has something in her mouth. Reading this, and all the symptoms, I believe that she has compulsive disorder. I didn’t know that this was a possibility in animals. I don’t know what kind of stressful things that my dog could encounter, but that is very interesting. We also have 3 teacup yorkies at my home. One of them is constantly licking. She doesn’t lick things as much, but she is always like licking the mid air. It is very odd, but maybe she has compulsive disorder also! http://www.petmd.com/dog/behavior/evr_dog_behavior_compulsive_disorder

  7. This was a very good post, I thought that it was very interesting. I didn’t realize that dogs can have OCD? I also have a dog, but it never chases his tail around, although he does get bored a lot. I also didn’t know that dogs OCD was different than when humans have OCD. I also thought that dogs having anxiety issues was interesting, because I also didn’t realize that they could have those issues too. I thought the most interesting part was that different dogs can have different kinds of OCD. I also got a lot more of information on OCD in dogs from this website too. http://www.whole-dog-journal.com/issues/11_10/features/Dogs-With-OCD_16069-1.html

  8. This is very interesting because I didn’t know that dogs or even cats could deal with OCD. With more research I found out that trying to prevent your pet from getting will only cause more stress and anxiety. With stopping them from chasing their tail, it’ll cause more anxiety and than it will make the OCD worse. It also suggests to give a well balanced diet and try to tire your dog out. Im glad to know this, because I wont have to wonder why dogs chase their tale anymore.

  9. We really don’t know if they will continue research on OCD for dogs. This reason is probably they can’t go any farther with it. Researchers have found the reason for this is because either out of boredom or neglect/abuse to the dog. Yes but some breeds are more susceptible to this condition. Some breeds in which it is more common are Bull Terriers, Doberman Pinschers, and Jack Russell Terriers. Yes and no. Yes because you may prevent it from developing by buying it a toy or spending more time with you dog. Also no because you may not be able to prevent it because it may be in its genetics.

  10. This is a good start as to what causes OCD in dogs. None of the dogs I’ve had had this issue, but it’s interesting to see that it comes from it. I went to see what happens with OCD in other animals.
    It turns out it happens to all kinds of animals when developing. The brain still has to figure out its chemical distribution, leading to some side effects. It might be more common in nature than we think.

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