Weight loss without everyday exercise

weight scale
Weight scale

Scientists from California have found a new hormone that can act against weight gain and normalizes peoples’ metabolism; this is commonly affected with exercising. The new hormone dubbed “MOTS-c” mainly attacks muscle tissue and it’s sensitivity, prevent insulin resistance. With this, it shows that there is a huge advance in treatments for sicknesses that could be related to age like diabetes. This new found hormone can lead to great new medication in the future. Also, there are many cool things that this hormone can accomplish.

In order to figure out what this hormone did, scientists had to test the effects. To do that, a scientific team injected the hormone into a mouse and fed it food that were high in fat. The fatty food would normally cause the mouse to become obese and a resistance to insulin. The hormone injected into the mouse suppressed both effects and reversed insulin resistance which occurs in diabetes. With this test, it showed scientists that mitochondria positions can affect metabolism.

MOTS-c is a special hormone created in the mitochondria with DNA. Most other hormones are created into DNA in the nucleus. After testing this hormone in mice, we found out that the same result occurs in all mammals, including humans. This hormone is one not like many others by the way it is created and what it can do. Tests in humans will begin in the next three years if experimentation keeps growing as planned.

The hormone takes action in the mitochondria which is a functional organelle. The MOTS-c hormone regulates insulin sensitivity and metabolic homeostasis. It mainly effects the skeletal muscle and folate cycle. With the help of this new hormone, it will help fight against obesity. Mitochondria are active regulators of metabolism.

embryonic stem cells
Human Cell

This new hormone can be the solution to many peoples’ problems. With the help of MOTS-c, people are able to maintain weight while eating a high-fat western diet. Since it helps regulate insulin sensitivity and metabolic homeostasis. This hormone can give you the same type of result as exercising. Not only does it help maintain weight, but it can also make it easier to lose it if you are on a balanced diet.

With this new-discovered hormone, there could be some important questions a person might need to ask. Will this hormone keep you healthy? Can this treatment have any side effects? How do you know if you have this specific hormone? Are there healthier options to losing weight to reduce age-related sicknesses?

2 thoughts on “Weight loss without everyday exercise

  1. This article is really interesting. It’s cool to see that scientists have found a new hormone that can act against weight gain. It’s good to see how they tested it too, like with the mouse. It’s good to know that there is something out there that you can use to lose or maintain weight without the hard work of exercising, especially if you don’t have the time.

  2. It is interesting how MOTS-c can help with weight loss but is it really that healthy? Is speeding up your metabolism as healthy as just eating well and exercising. I find it cool that it could help treat diabetes and other illnesses though. In the article linked below I learned that MOTS-c is encoded into the DNA of the mitochondria. What caused scientists to find this hormone? If you use this hormone to lose weight will you replace the fat with muscle? There are so many health related questions that could be asked about MOTS-c. Many of these questions will soon be answered after the three years of human experiments and I didn’t even know MOTS-c existed until I read this article.

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