
Dreams have been pondered on for centuries now. Many questions have been asked too, do they mean something in the future?  Where do they come from?  Are they a sign from the gods?  All these questions have been a huge controversy in the 20th century.

Do you think dreams mean something? To understand dreams I went online and did research. Oneirology is the study of dreaming.  There are many different types of dreams, for example Lucid Ddreamreaming is the state that your mind knows you are dreaming while conscious. Another one called, Sleep Paralysis, is said to be like having someone sit on your chest and feeling like you cant breathe. They say, once you enter your dream you can see yourself sleeping but you can still walk around like you are conscious. (Holowchak)

Next I learned the basics of sleeping. If you could control your dreams, would you?  In the world of dreaming, the rules of reality do not apply. Understanding your dreams can give you a close insight on your feelings, and personal relationships. All dreams are unique and are based on your personal background and emotions. It’s important to draw a line between your life and what you interpret from your dreams. A dream is based on your own personal reality and its known that what you think about is what you can dream about. (Dream Moods)

Why do you think we don’t know more about dreaming? The University of Rome did a study on kids dreaming habits, they invited 65 college students to spend the night in their research lab for 2 days to study their dreams. There are 5 stages of sleep, the bigger the number the deeper sleep you’re in, the deepest is called the REM stage.  Students are most likely to remember to remember their dreams best after the REM stage so the scientists would wake them up after the stage and have them record the content of their dream. Your brain will employ the same neurons to retrieve your memory of your dream as it would make the dreams before it happen (Linden).


5 thoughts on “Dreams

  1. This article really interested me because I always remember my dreams. Whenever I ask others if they can they usually say they don’t. When I read this article it said that you’re most likely to remember your dreams when you’re lucid dreaming. In Another article I read it talked about people who are able to lucid dream usually have something on there mind and the dream is trying to alert them. However you don’t need to have a problem going on in your life to have lucid dreams. People around the world have practiced and are slowly trying to develop the skills to lucid dreaming. Some people it comes naturally like myself, but others not so much. Here is the article below.


  2. This post was really interesting. I didn’t know about lucid dreaming and I didn’t know there’s a study on dreaming either. You had really good information and I was very interested. I also read on a different article that dreams can interpret different things with different signs and I read that nightmares are subcategory of dreams. Your more likely to remember a nightmare because you fear and wake up in fear. If your interested in reading more heres the link to the website: http://www.dreammoods.com/dreaminformation/dreamtypes/nightmares.htm

  3. I really liked this article. I did not know there were so many types of dreaming. I have always wondered why you have certain dreams, but now I know that they form by the thoughts you are thinking and by your personal emotions. According to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dreamscloud/meaning-of-dreams_b_4504512.html some dreams can be straight forward, and some can be very suspenseful. Another type of dream can involve water. The quality of the water (clear vs. cloudy) often provides insight into how effectively we are managing our emotions. Death is another topic that can take place in a dream. It should be seen as negative, but it is more of a change of mind for the dreamer. Something like trying to end one thing to make room for another. Finally, physical dreams are where you control your actions like any type of super powers (flying, super speed, etc.). All of these dreams usually have some sort of meaning to them involving your life in some way, you just have to figure out how.

  4. This is a very interesting article, I really got intrigued into it. I found out at http://www.crystalinks.com/dreams.html that a dream can warn us of potential danger. Things that trouble us often in a dream. Everyone who sleeps, dreams, including animals. It’s cool to know that when you take a nap, you are ten times more likely to remember your dreams. I found it very cool that on average, we sleep for a third of each day. So you can take your age and divide it by 1/3 and you will know how many years you have been asleep, I’m 15 so I’ve been sleeping for 5 years of my life than. This blog really got me thinking and I really liked it.

  5. I wouldn’t want to be one of the students waken up in from sleeping to talk about my dreams but dreams are very unique. There are different kinds of dreams and some dreams are easier to remember than others. It is interesting how dreams are based on your life and what you’ve been through. What causes good dreams versus nightmares? I once heard that you only dream of people you’ve seen in real life. Is that true? In the article it talks about how dreaming has no purpose. If so then why do we dream? I’m sure scientists will soon learn all about dreaming with new technology coming out every day but until then it is fun to guess what is actually happening in your brain while you sleep.

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