Ocean and Human Pollution

Ocean Pollution has been a problem as long as I can remember; it is something we have all tried to fix by not littering and being careful. Some things we can’t control though, like oil spills and industries throwing their chemicals in the ocean. What they don’t realize is all the bad it is doing to us and marine life. What we can control is littering and helping the environment around beaches, oceans, and lakes. All pollution will affect something at some point, where plastic may affect fish to oil giving us infections.

Deep water marine fish and organisms are being affected by these things recently. Many think the turtles, whales, and dolphins are getting caught in pollution, but what most people don’t know is that organisms and fish that are deep at the floor of oceans are also being affected. Some fish are developing tumors and having other health problems, this proves that pollution has a wave effect that travels down to the ocean floor. Also some of their organs aren’t working as well as they should by them shutting down. Usually these fish live up to 100 years but recently the average life expectancy has gone down. Researcher’s think that this is from toxic chemicals from humans. Many things are found in oceans, most are chemicals like pesticides, fossil fuels, and runoff. High mountain pollution also affects ocean from the air pollution that follows down to the oceans.

One of the recent oil spills that is still affecting some of our land and oceans today was the Deepwater Horizon Spill, this happened near the Gulf of Mexico. Around there the wetlands are usually green and lush, but after this they are mucky, full of trash, and infused with oil. Oil spills also affect humans by the work that is put into to help protect and clean our land, thousand and millions are put into research and help. Fumes from this oil spill also kill off species. Causes from this can affect many species; stories from this spill were some fish were having difficult time seeing. Many defects on their appearance and changes in their swimming behavior. Turtles that are both in the oceans and off are also changing. Since the oil spill they haven’t been nesting around the Gulf of Mexico and haven’t been even in 2014. Other species have been having weird behaviors; Dolphins strand themselves and eventually 90% of them that do that they die. Many chemicals that are in the Gulf of Mexico sit there in the hot sun and mix to form harsher chemicals. Could you imagine smelling and being around oil for long periods of time?

In California many people who are swimming in the oceans are having bizarre problems, doctors and researchers think it is from the pollution problems. There is a lot of littering around that area and it is probably because the population is really high. It’s sad to think that something you can do like put your trash in the garbage, something so simple, can affect so many people. To think one piece of garbage could give someone’s kid an eye, ear, or skin infection. Another reason there is pollution there is due to urban runoff and sewage. Especially in California, a place where a lot of people travel to, a lot of money will and is put into cleaning these areas.

In conclusion, pollution from humans and natural pollution isn’t good for anyone. Natural pollution isn’t always something we can control but we can try. Human pollution is something we can fix and do our best to protect our oceans, beaches, and other bodies of water around us. Doing something simple can make a huge difference in the lives of animals, organisms, and other living creatures. I’m sure there are other ways to help but trying to help isn’t as hard as it seems.


Do you litter?

If so do you even know what happens to it?

Are you willing to pay money to clean up other people’s messes?

1 thought on “Ocean and Human Pollution

  1. I agree with you that something needs to be done to stop ocean pollution in order to prevent even more humans, animals, and plants from being harmed. It is scary to think about how much litter in the ocean can affect effect humans on land and the fish at the deepest depths of the ocean. Although not everything can be controlled, like you said, I believe that little everyday changes could end up making a big impact. Here is a link for some more of the ideas to help stop ocean and human pollution: http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/take-action/10-things-you-can-do-to-save-the-ocean/
    great blog!

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