Could you be at risk for an overtraining injury?

sports bio blog thing pt.2

             If you’re an athlete more isn’t always a good for your body. Overtraining is a common accurance in young athletes. When you overtrain you are more at risk for overuse injuries and/or a burnout. An overuse injury can cause damage to a bone, muscle, ligament, or tendon due to repetitive stress without allowing time for the body to heal. A sign of a burnout is when the sport your in doesn’t seem fun anymore. Knowing who is at risk is important.

            The people who are at an increase risk are children and teens because they are still growing bones that are less strong to handle stress. Here are some ways to see if your at risk for an overuse injury. If you focus on one sport since you were younger, compete on multiple teams during a season of that one sport, have high anxiety levels and low self-esteem, and if you are in a sport with no off season. Those are a few of the many ways to start being aware of an injury. Athletes who might be going through a burnout may have hormonal, psychological, or physiological changes. A few examples may include lack of enthusiasm, sleep changes, decreasing performance at school or during sports, decreased appetite and/or weight loss. How do you know when your doing to much?

            Every athlete is different which means they all have different limitations and strengths. Do you know what your limitations are? These considerations will help you find out what is too much for you. The first would be get at least one day of rest per week. The second, is to increase your maximum training 10% or less per week. The third, make an effort to focus on nutrition, hydration, and sleep that you need for your body. The final consideration to do is to ask yourself, is it fun for me anymore? There are more ways to prevent overtraining/burnout injuries.

            Here are some ways to prevent overtraining/burnout injuries. The first step you can take is periodization. Periodization varies training to increase fitness gains and dodge overtraining. Another step you can take is to focus on proper sport techniques and avoid rapid rise in workload or intensity. If you have a burnout injury take proper treatment and rehabilitation. These are ways you can prevent overtraining and burnout injuries.

            To conclude, teens are more at risk for overtraining and burnout injuries. There are so many ways you can prevent these types of injuries, but at the same time there are many ways to get overtraining injuries. If it is not fun anymore stop and give yourself a break. They can have a huge impact not only on you physically, but mentally and hormonally. Take the extra steps to keep yourself healthy and happy.

  • What is the most common muscle, joint, or ligament that is injuried the most from overtraining?
  • What percentage of injuries are from overtraining or burnouts?
  • What is the time range for recovery from overtraining or burnouts?

3 thoughts on “Could you be at risk for an overtraining injury?

  1. It’s hard to think that just by lifting some weights and running a few extra times a week can hurt you. I looked into your questions about what you want to learn more about and found that, according to , that ankle sprains, hamstring strains, and knee injuries are the most common injuries in sports. Which makes sense because that is what most athletes use to play sports. Getting these injuries can be stressful especially if you just want to get back into the sport, but you have to give it time. Allow the injury to heal completely so you don’t injure it again. If you go to physical therapy and get treatment, you might start to regain muscle strength in the ligament or muscle again. It all takes time and you have to be willing to restore full strength. There are so many useful tips that I found my information on and I would defiantly look at this website if I need help in the long run.

  2. The more that you exercise, the more weight you do, and how often you do it can cause some of the most common injuries. Some of the most common injuries among young athletes are shin splints, stress fractures, tendonitis, and soreness of the elbow. As well as sprains and strains which are one of the most common things that can happen for overtraining. The American Academy of Pediatrics sys that up to 50 percent of injuries are related to overuse or burnouts. Depending on the type of injury they say that about 1 week or too 3 weeks is a good enough time for you to recover from overtraining.

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