Don’t scratch that itch

Eczema, a chronically itchy skin disease eczemadiagnosed in childhood, can cause asthma and is a risk factor for smoking, obesity, and alcoholism in adults. It’s estimated that around 35million Americans have eczema.

Eczema affects around ten percent of the American population. Inflicting them with patches of extremely itchy, dry, inflamed skin.  When scratched, the patches of skin and sores may become infected. Eczema may also play a role in other diseases like asthma by causing inflammation in the lungs and airways. Adults with eczema have a higher chance of smoking, alcoholism, and obesity.  These negative behaviors are a result on the emotional toll eczema has on it’s patients, people who get it as a child have to deal with it all throughout their adolescent years, it puts quite a strain on their self-esteem. People with eczema are at a higher risk of obesity because sweat and heat can begin the itch would they would do anything to avoid.

There is no known cause of eczema, but there are many ideas as to how it’s triggered, including genetics. With no known cause there is no known cure for eczema. Treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms, but one of the best ways to treat eczema is to just take good care of and moisturize your skin. Some over-the-counter topical ointments and oral medications can help reduce the redness and swelling associated with eczema.

So to recap, eczema is I chronic itchy skin disease usually diagnosed during childhood. With no cause and no cure, adults with eczema can have other diseases like asthma and are at a higher risk of obesity, alcoholism and low self-esteem.

How bad can eczema get?

What is the most effective treatment?

If I have eczema, could I pass it onto my children?

Possible Therapy video

7 thoughts on “Don’t scratch that itch

  1. If you have eczema, your baby is most likely going to get it too. The chance is about 50/50, just like all allergies. Even if either parent doesn’t have eczema, the baby is still at risk for having it. Cold and dry environments can trigger eczema. Doctors can confirm suspicions of eczema in children but cannot fully cure it. Regular moisturizing can help a break out that’s already occurred, and future break outs.

  2. Eczema cause is unknown but people believe that it could be from the body to overactive response by the body immune system to an irritant. Eczema could cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. It can often inherited tendency to develop allergic condition, such as asthma and hay fever. It affects about 10% to 20% of infants and about 3% of adults and children in the U.S. This disease mainly starts from an itch. It could affect on the face, back of the knees, wrists, hands, or feet.

  3. There isn’t a treatment that is the most effective for everyone, because everybody has different skin and there are many types of eczema. However, the most common types of treatment are antihistamine medications and prescription strength ointments. If the usual treatments don’t work for a severe case of eczema, you may need a stronger treatment. They are much more rare but examples of some stronger treatments include ultra-violet light exposure and coal tar topical. A doctor may also suggest a diet that the patient will find helpful for settling the reaction, but it won’t stop the eczema. The most helpful things to lessen the reaction is to wear comfortable clothing, moisturize skin with simple products and wash skin often.

  4. There isn’t a treatment that is the most effective for everyone, because everybody has different skin and there are many types of eczema. However, the most common types of treatment are antihistamine medications and prescription strength ointments. If the usual treatments don’t work for a severe case of eczema, you may need a stronger treatment. They are much more rare but examples of some stronger treatments include ultra-violet light exposure and coal tar topical. A doctor may also suggest a diet that the patient will find helpful for settling the reaction, but it won’t stop the eczema. The most helpful things to lessen the reaction is to wear comfortable clothing, moisturize skin with simple products and wash skin often.

    There is a few different types of eczema. One type, Atopic, is hereditary. If a parent has eczema it is possible your child can inherit it too. You are right, there is no cure for eczema or many skin diseases. But, many have over the counter remedies that help fight the systems. My sister was diagnosed with eczema when she was little. She gets a bad, red- burning rash in the crease of her elbow and knees. She normally gets the rashes while she’s playing sports or at school. So basically when she is stressed. Like the comment above, this article says that eczema can be spread due to allergies. That is another type of eczema and is less common. Eczema often occurs in babies and many have it there whole life. This would make sense being there are no cures for this skin disease. The article I linked is helpful if you want to learn about different types of skin diseases and how/what they affect.

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