Type One Diabetes

Testing blood glucose level
Testing blood glucose level

In sixth grade, I was a normal average kid except I never had the energy to do anything, I had really bad teeth, and I was always eating but never gaining weight. I was told I had an eating disorder and needed to get blood drawn. So we did that and were told if anything was wrong they would call. February 14, 2012 at 8pm they called and said that t I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible and they never said what was wrong until I got to the hospital. They told me I had Type One Diabetes and they taught me about diabetes in an 8 hour class. I was hospitalized from February 14-16. My life changed, but now I know how to manage my diabetes. Diabetes has specific symptoms, but they can be managed using different treatments.

There are many symptoms such as urinating often, feeling very hungry or very thirsty, extreme fatigue, blurry vison, cuts and bruises heal slowly, and weight loss even though you are eating more. All these are symptoms of Type one Diabetes. When thinking you are diabetic you may not experience all of these symptoms you may only experience one or two but you may also experience them all. All of these are symptoms but some of them may still occur after being diagnoses. For me I still have cuts and bruises that take a long time to heal and when I have a high number I drink lots and lots of water.

There are a few ways to take insulin. There is shots or there is an insulin pump. There are many kinds of insulin pumps such as an Animas One Touch Ping which is water proof but the paint can also chip off. There is also a T-slim which is touch screen that is a newer one. There is also an OmniPod which has no tubing coming out from it because it connects to your meter. One last one I will name is the Medtronic Paradigm Revel which is a pump that instead of having paint is more plastic like but is not water proof like the animas pump. Shots can be taken with a syringe or they can be taken with an insulin pen such as a junior pen which can do half units or a plastic pen which only does full units. One last thing there is also a device called a CGM which is a Continuous Glucose Monitor it is a device that connects with a censor which you replace every week and they help with better controlling blood sugars. It sits under the skin at an angle and test your blood sugar every five minutes. The device that the censor is linked to will alert you if your blood sugar is below or above the ranges you set. All these are good options you just have to choose what is right for you. In my opinion with having diabetes for over 4 years and having used both shots and a pump. A pump is better it is more discreet you can take your insulin any where and not many people will notice. Whereas with shots you get more stares and may even have to leave class or somewhere to take it.

In conclusion Type One Diabetes has many things that go along with it and some are easy some are not. Like checking your blood sugar is easy whereas trying to keep your blood sugar in range 24/7 may not be so easy. Diabetes definitely has its ups and downs but you cannot let diabetes control who you are you need to be in control of diabetes. Diabetes can and will kill a person if they do not take care of it that is why you cannot allow it to control you. From my own experience with Type One Diabetes you need to be on top of it. You need to test before every meal even if you do not eat and before bed, during the night, and right away in the morning. To have good control over your blood sugar you need to be aware of what it is and you need to correct it. Type One Diabetes is a full time job.

How many adolescents are diagnosed with Type One Diabetes a year?

What is Type One Diabetes?

What is the difference between Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia?

3 thoughts on “Type One Diabetes

  1. I researched your question, “What’s the difference between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia?” Hyperglycemia is chronically high blood glucose levels. And Hypoglycemia is when your blood glucose levels drop below 70mg/dL. Both of these are commonly found in people with diabetes. Some causes of hypoglycemia are too much insulin, to much exercise, or not enough food. Where as hyperglycemia occurs when you don’t take enough insulin, illness, eating too much, and stress. Both of these conditions can be easily diagnosable by simply measuring your blood glucose levels.

  2. I researched your question,”How many adolescents are diagnosed with Type One Diabetes a year?”. I learned that about 200,000 people less than 20 years old and over a million people 20 years old and older live with Type One Diabetes. 40,000 people are diagnosed with Type One Diabetes in the U.S., and by 2050, there is expected to be 5 million people diagnosed with Type One Diabetes in the U.S. alone. Less than 1/3 of the people who have Type One Diabetes in the U.S. are reaching their blood glucose level goals. Type One Diabetes is shown to reduce life expectancy up to 13 years. Type One Diabetes is a very dangerous disease and can kill in not treated.


  3. I researched your question “What is Type One Diabetes?” I learned people with Type One Diabetes can’t produce insulin in their body. Insulin is needed to get glucose from the bloodstreams into the body’s cells. I also learned that Hypoglycemia means low blood glucose, and Hyperglycemia means high blood glucose. Hypoglycemia also is referred to as insulin reaction, and if it is severe it cause injuries, a coma, or even death. Failing to treat Hyperglycemia can also be very severe, and it can lead to a condition Ketoacidosis which means diabetic coma. Ketoacidosis develops when your body doesn’t have enough insulin, and it can be life threatening.

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