Medical Marijuana for seizures

Medical marijuana can help most people that have seizures. It isn’t just for people that have seizures, but also people with ADHD, ADD, and many other illnesses that can benefit from Medical Marijuana. Medical Marijuana was just passed in a few states this last year a couple of the states are North Dakota, Ohio, and Arkansas. In the research I found, seizures decreased by 54%  in the first 12 weeks. It will kill off some of the cells it also will do the same thing for cancer. There have even been a couple of cases where cancer has been killed with medical marijuana.

Medical Cannabis has helped a girl from Colorado who had a rare form of epilepsy called Daravet Syndrome. Taking medical marijuana was the best option for her and her family, it completely took away her seizures. 2% of people that took medical marijuana came out completely seizure free. Even though it’s only 2% it’s was only allowed in 20 states in 2014 and now it is up to 28 in 2017. It has helped a lot of people and I personally hope it will help my father that has bad seizures when he is able to get it.

There is a lot of controversy about allowing medical marijuana because people believe it will get in the wrong hands. In Washington people have seen their family members seizures go down since it has been legal there for awhile. The government has been looking at how well this is working and this could change for the United States and every state could legalize this soon.This could not just change the life of people with seizures, but it could impact their family’s with all sorts of diseases.

1) What do you think is the best way medical marijuana can be regulated?

2) Do you think 21 years old is old enough to purchase medical marijuana?

3) Should all states allow it since there are medical benefits? 

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