Tan at Your Own Risk!

Skin cancer jumps 75 percent when a person starts tanning at the age of thirty. Some people are addicted to gum, drugs, alcohol. Then there are people like me, who are addicted to tanning. Some people may think that you should never ever go tanning. If you don’t overdo it and don’t go every day then it is ok. Yes, there are still many things that could happen to you. How bad could it be if you went just once a week for ten to twenty minutes? Tanning is a very addictive thing. It’s like a drug. It affects your skin instead of your lungs. What is the classification of tanning beds? Does tanning in a tanning bed cause lesser damage than natural sun? What are the problems that tanning may cause?

There is a new classification of tanning beds.  They are now classified as probable carcinogens. This classification proves that tanning beds and other forms of ultraviolet light can cause skin cancer.  The International Agency for Cancer Research says that ultraviolet lights can cause skin and eye cancer. This ultraviolet light is given off in tanning beds.

The main question is tanning in a tanning bed safer than natural sun? The basic answer is no. To elaborate, no matter where you are receiving the ultraviolet light from, you still have a chance of being diagnosed with some type of cancer. UVA light is responsible of making the skin darker, by penetrating light deep into your skin. Tanning beds are full of UVA light bulbs. These bulbs can cause melanoma, which is the deadliest skin cancer you can have.

Tanning beds can cause 170,000 deaths a year! Not all of these deaths were related to melanoma. There are other types of cancers causing these deaths. If you have used a tanning bed you have a 67 percent higher chance of developing squamous cell and a 29 percent higher chance of developing basal cell carcinoma compared to those who have never used a tanning bed. “These cancers may not be lethal, but they can be disfiguring,” Dr. Craig Devoe.

In conclusion, there are many risks of tanning in beds. They are not better than tanning by natural sun. There are many different classifications of tanning beds. Even though being tan is nice, do it wisely. Do not be too addicted to it. Use caution when tanning in beds. Do not stay in a bed too long. Tan at your own risk!


What are alternatives to tanning in beds?

How many deaths are there due to tanning in beds?

How many teens actually go tanning?

9 thoughts on “Tan at Your Own Risk!

  1. I think you did a great job writing this blog by using your personal experiences. You are so right about tanning being addicting. It is even said to be the new tobacco. Spray tanning is a great alternative. My family LOVES the tan look so we purchased a spray tan machine for in our house. There are also many tanning lotions that are available that are super cheap. My favorite is called Airbrushed Legs. Here is a link to purchase it: http://www.amazon.com/Sally-Hansen-Self-Tanner-Legs-Deep-Glow-4-4oz/dp/B000R9KYH8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395238034&sr=8-1&keywords=airbrushed+legs this is my favorite tanning solution to use when I am not home to use our machine. I think your statistics were good. The only thing I disagree with is that you said to tan wisely. Every time you put your skin in front of UV light you are increasing the risk of skin cancer. If you don’t want cancer, do not tan. Make sure you spend a little more time researching the different cancers if you plan on writing another blog post. The three main kinds are: basal, squamous, and melanoma. Here is a link that talks about them in a bit more detail. http://www.webmd.com/melanoma-skin-cancer/melanoma-guide/skin-cancer I really enjoyed this blog! Spray tan on! (:

  2. I really learn lots of things while reading you article about tanning in bed. there is a higher chance of getting a skin cancer when you tan your skin regularly. i don’t think it matter where you get tan whether its at beach or bed, if you tan your body regularly then the chances of getting cancer are at its peak. so don’t risk your life for better skin color.
    here is the article that has more about tanning

  3. I am naturally tan, but like to be tanner than most. I have recently only gone tanning twice ever. And I am not addicted, but I prefer to use the sun light, but if they can both cause cancer and other problems I would rather go in a bed, so your results are faster and you can see the difference more. Like with the stickers, you can compare how much tanner you are and I like that. 🙂 I learned there are 170,000 deaths from tanning. That it starts in the inside of your body and there are alternatives other than beds. For instance there are; creams, lotions, airbrushing, natural(sun), towelettes, and cosmetics. This link tells you more about other alternatives. http://www.healthyskinportal.com/articles/top-5-tanning-bed-alternatives/182/

  4. I learned that 170,000 people die each because of the use of tanning beds. You can tan in the natural sun. Tanning beds uses very high powered UV light that can harm your skin. If you tan in the natural sun the UV rays arn’t as powerfull so it won’t create as high of a chance to get skin cancer. People who tan in tanning beds rather than tan in sunlight have a ten times more chance of getting skin cancer. Here is my website I used to find information(http://www.livestrong.com/article/68629-tanning-beds-vs.-sun/).

  5. There are many myths when it comes to tanning in a tanning bed. For example, indoor tanning is safer than outdoor tanning because of the environment control. This is not the case. In all actuality, it is safer to tan outdoors because of the varying environment such as time of day, cloud cover and the season. Another myth is that tanning indoors is a safe way to increase vitamin D levels. 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure on your hands and face about 2-3 times a week during summer gives sufficient amounts of vitamin D. Also, we get vitamin D from our food. Pushing cosmetic reasons aside, there is no good reason to tan indoors.

  6. This was very intresting! I knew tanning wasn’t good for you but what I did not know was that it caused that many deaths a year. I looked up how many teens go tanning and this is what I found. This website claims that between the age of 13 and 19, 37% of white females and 11% of white males have used tanning beds. It also says that about 2.3 MILLION teens use tanning beds at least once a year. Thats a lot of teenagers. I read as well that less then half of all teenagers use sunscreen. These numbers are very shocking! In Ontario, Canada, public health officials launched a campaign to outlaw tanning beds except for medical reasons because children as young as eight were going tanning!! Many states now require teenagers to have a parents permission to go tanning, and they will not let children under the age of 14 go tanning.


  7. I never knew that tanning raises your risk of skin cancer up to 75%. I also did not know that tanning could be so addicting. If tanning beds cause melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer, why do people get addicted to it? Tanning causes up to 170,000 deaths a year. That is almost the exact same as a drug. This website, http://www.fda.gov/Radiation-EmittingProducts/RadiationEmittingProductsandProcedures/Tanning/ucm116432.htm shows the risks of sun tanning and tanning in a bed. Very interesting blog!

  8. I didn’t think tanning inside or lying in the sun was so bad for someone. To help myself understand it more, here’s what I found: the use of tanning salons is one reason they’re treating more and more young patients for skin cancer. Also, radiation from just 10 indoor-tanning sessions in 2 weeks can suppress a person’s cancer-fighting immune system. Tanning beds use UVA light, which penetrates the skin more deeply than UVB rays. If you try indoor tanning, you’ll absorb far more rays in the long run, significantly age your skin, and put yourself at even greater risk for skin cancer. I think I’ll definitely reconsider going tanning.


  9. I’m going to Mexico and I have been concerned about the amount of sun I would be getting. I was almost thinking about going tanning so I wouldn’t get burned. This was very good information. I will not be gong tanning and I hope you do the same. What I have found out is that beds are no different than natural, the parts that bad for you is the fact that you go more frequently when you can go in a bed.

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