Animal limb Regrowth

Did you know that a lot of animals can regrow limbs and break limbs off? Even humans can regrow something’s. But the process is much more developed in lower organisms such as plants. Animals such as earthworms and Starfish can regrow new heads, tails, and other important body parts when hurt. We don’t know why we don’t have the full capability to regrow limbs but Humans, for example, have the ability not to uncontrollably grow. But humans can regrow skin muscle, and blood.

Not all organisms regenerate the same way and the same time. Like jellyfish, missing parts are replaced by reorganizing tissues into whatever limb that has been cut off. Specific animals with complex bodies usually regenerate parts by producing a specialized bud, or blastula. Blastula supplies the tissue necessary for the regenerated parts. The part that is regrow is never the same as the one that was lost. In many cases its smaller or something are still missing such as a leg and a toe or nail is missing.

Regeneration means regrowth of a damaged or missing organ. As adults, humans can regenerate some organs for example the liver. Is the liver is damaged, the liver will grow back to original size. But not the same shape. If you’ve ever got a cut after time it heals. That is the regrowth of your skin. When scares accrue that is when tissue is not fully regrown and repaired. Blood is another thing that regrows. When someone gets a cut and they lose blood after that cut has healed and it stopped bleeding your body starts to regrow blood. If you lose too much blood you may have to have a transfusion.

Many animals can regrow limbs. But regrown parts doesn’t come easy. It takes lots of energy which can be dangerous for getting away from the predator. Losing limbs or breaking off limbs most of the time is used to get away. In doing this animals that lose there limbs they lose both nutrients and energy. Animals such as lizards, Planarians, Sea Cucumbers, sharks, spiders, sponges and starfish.

This has been all about regrowth and if we could ever regrow limbs and if we would want to. After all this information. Humans regrown limbs wouldn’t be good one we wouldn’t have the limb regrow for months if not years. They wouldn’t grow back normal, and we are able to regrow some things back like skin and some organs. Regrown limbs with humans wouldn’t be a good thing we would be able to lose limbs if we needed to which u might have people do it jut for fun which you don’t want.


1.  How would this affect our human race if we could do this?

2. Should humans look into finding a way to regrow certain limbs?

3. Why would it be bad for humans to grow extra limbs?


1 thought on “Animal limb Regrowth

  1. This would affect the human race by more people being able to walk, work, and staying alive. For example, if we were like earthworms and we got decapitated, we would still be alive. If humans did find a way to regrow limbs, more people would be happy. It would also be a good way to give people who had to amputate another chance with their limb. Plus this would be another real limb, not just a robotic limb which could brake or not. It could be possible but part of the reason is our metabolism wont allow us to do this. An experiment these scientists did, they increased the healing power of mice. They are relatively close to making regrowth in mice. That could lead to regrowth in humans. work.

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