Breast Cancer Screening Tests

Breast Cancer1Breast cancer occurs all around the world in many different women. It is one of the most common types of cancer in many different women. There are many different types of doctors and scientists around the world that are trying to figure out a cure for breast cancer. They are doing studies to see what different things could affect breast cancer or make you get it. A good way for women to find out if they have breast cancer would be to have a screening test. Screening tests are a good way to detect if a woman has breast cancer. They also are a safe and very easy to have, but doctors are having a hard time getting women to come in for their screening tests. Now, many studies are being done to see how doctors can get more woman to come in and take a screening test.

Screening is a good way to show that a woman has breast cancer. Statistics have shown that the percentage of women getting screened have dropped just the past year. Doctors are saying that they are disappointed in the decline. Doctors are saying the reason why they are disappointed is that early detection can give a woman a better chance of a successful treatment. They also said that there are risks with screening. It is important for a woman to make the right choice if they choice to have a screening or not.

Doctors are now trying to find an easy and efficient way to remind women to go in and have a screening test. One way to remind someone to come in is by a text message. A study shows that women who received a text message reminding them of their appointment were 20 percent more likely to attend their appointment than those who didn’t receive one. One simple text could change the health of someone very quickly. Technology has come a long way and new studies show this. These text messages are changing and saving the lives of many women.

Doctors today want the best technology to help with screening. Researchers’ everyday are trying to find a more better and efficient way to have a screening. They also want to find better technology that will show if you have breast cancer sooner than technology now. MRIs now finds more cases of breast cancer with less false positives than an ultrasound. Ultrasounds find cancer, but they have more false positives. Another method that they use is MBI and this holds promises. Past versions of MBI exposed too much radiation, but newer versions expose less radiation. All of these methods are what doctors’ use, but they want a better, cheaper, and more efficient way to use them.

Breast cancer is a very serious topic. Women all around the world have breast cancer. There are people every day all around the world trying to find better technology. They also are trying to find better ways to get women to come in for their screening. Text messages are helping the number of women for coming in their tests. Researcher’s everyday are trying to find better methods for more women to come in. If more women come in for their screening tests, then more lives can be saved.

  •  How can we get more women to come in for their screening tests?
  • Do you think these methods are efficient or could there be better ways?
  • How can further research on cancer improve the way screening tests are done?

2 thoughts on “Breast Cancer Screening Tests

  1. This was a very interesting and touching blog, it is sad to know that less girls come in for screening tests, if it could help to save my life I would do it as often as I could. On this site that I found, it said that scientists are trying to better understand which people are more likely to get certain types of cancer. They also study the things we do and the things around us to see if they cause cancer, like the sun (tanning) or to much radiation (from x-rays) and having a family history of it. I didn’t know that old age is the main risk factor for most cancers. The chance of getting cancer increases as you get older. This was a very nice blog post and it was very informational, I loved the video!

  2. First of all, I love your video! I think it really puts you in the shoes of the cancer patient. I also found it interesting that you talked about how less women are doing screening tests. I think its really cool that they now use technology to remind women! I also heard you talking about how they are trying to find new ways to detect breast cancer. I found this article about how they are trying to do digital tests. They also talked about how they are doing research on how to make the tests more individualized.

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