Daily Archives: April 15, 2015

The Power of Music: How Does It Affect The Brain?

Music affects the brain in many ways. It is one of the only activities that uses more than ten percent of the brain. Music affects your emotions and mood and how well you learn and understand. Listening and playing music can even relieve pain and help mental illnesses. Throughout this post I will explain how all this … Continue reading The Power of Music: How Does It Affect The Brain?

Fracking: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Hydraulic fracturing, also called fracking, is a method of drilling for oil and natural gas. It is the main reason that the United States is currently having an energy revolution instead of being scarce of it. Even though fracking is doing so many good things for the country, there are also many dangers that go … Continue reading Fracking: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Weight loss without everyday exercise

Scientists from California have found a new hormone that can act against weight gain and normalizes peoples’ metabolism; this is commonly affected with exercising. The new hormone dubbed “MOTS-c” mainly attacks muscle tissue and it’s sensitivity, prevent insulin resistance. With this, it shows that there is a huge advance in treatments for sicknesses that could … Continue reading Weight loss without everyday exercise