Oil Spills and How They Affect the Ecosystem





Oil spills are a very major problem throughout countries and gulfs. Some of the worst spills still linger around and make oil pockets at the bottom of the ocean. It is extremely harmful to its creatures and environment. It is also very costly to clean up and get rid of.

Cleaning up the oil takes a lot of effort and time, sometimes years. It also includes a lot of harsh chemicals that help to break down the oil. The chemicals are very toxic and can affect not only ocean creatures but the entire food chain. If creatures don’t have enough food they can become endangered from starvation. It is also possible that marine life can consume the invisible droplets of oil that have broken down because they are so small; this could lead to internal problems.

Oil pockets are also an issue because they stick around at the bottom of the ocean, and they are the hardest to clean up. If broken down, the oil won’t be visible anymore and there will not even be any knowledge of the oil, even though it is still there. Oil pockets can be hidden behind boulders. It can stick around for years and still be similar to oil that is only a few days old. It is also still just as harmful and can still have serious effects on the eco system.

The cost of cleaning up oil spills depends on the type of oil, how much, where, and how long it will take to clean everything up. It can cost as much as 37 billion dollars. Of course the factors of the spill in the gulf differed, but a few billion dollars is an idea. The smaller the oil spill, the less money; the bigger the oil spill, the more money.

In conclusion, oil spills are a major problem all around the world. They affect the ecosystem by endangering the marine life food chain, sticking around in pockets for years, and can be very costly. Clean up can take years, and the damage can be fatal.


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