Tourette’s Syndrome


Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) causes people to make sounds or movements that they have no control over. These movements are called Tics. For example, a person with Tourette’s may blink constantly, or say something they didn’t try to say. Other ticks are shoulder shrugging, coughing, sniffing, swearing, and clearing your throat. Tourette’s can also cause problems with OCD and Anxiety. Most kids will grow out of their tics by their late teens or early 20’s. If someone sees symptoms of Tourette’s Syndrome they may want to consult a doctor. When they visit the doctor, they might need imaging tests of their brain, including an MRI and a CT scan.

To be diagnosed with TS, an individual has to have two motor tics and one vocal tic that aren’t caused by a different disease. Vocal tics are when someone says an inappropriate word they can’t control or a movement like throat clearing/grunting. Most often tics are mild and don’t need treatment.

Tics usually show up at the ages 2 – 15 with an average of 6 years old. There is no cure for Tourette’s, but treatment is available. Simple tics are sudden and involve a small number of muscle groups. Complex tics are coordinate involving major muscle groups. While tics are the main symptom of Tourette’s, stress, excitement, and tiredness are also symptoms. Also, Tourette’s is linked with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Dyslexia, and Anxiety.


How many people have full blown Tourette’s?

What causes Tourette’s?

What treatments are used to help Tourette’s?





1 thought on “Tourette’s Syndrome

  1. I researched your question, ” How many people have full blown Tourette’s?”. Although I couldn’t find how many people had full blown Tourette’s, according to, of children affected with Tourette’s, 37% report moderate or severe forms of the condition. That means that the majority of people with Tourette’s will have an easier time dealing with the symptoms.

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