How Your Body Sleeps

Have you ever wondered if you are getting a good nights sleep? Most people dont get the amount of sleep they need and many dont even know that there are healthy ways to sleep and not so healthy.  In fact a lot of people arent even aware if they have sleeping problems when they might.

Researchers had now proven that an alarm clock that abruptly wakes you up isn’t very healthy and is bad for your brain.  The best time for you to wake up is a window in which the brain is ready, and has rested enough throughout the night.  Nobody wants to ever wake up in the mornings because letting go of the covers is not easy some mornings.  We actually spend one third of our life
sleeping. Sleep is a normal part in life and everybody needs it.  Sleep is most important at the younger ages and when you growing up.  They have now made alarms that will wake somebody depending on the stage of their sleep.

Sleeping problems is a problem in the United States, approximately between 50-70 million people have sleeping problems every night.  Peoples state before they go to bed can affect them significantly, whether they are scared, tired, worrying, mad, or thinking.  Sometimes people have sleeping disorders because a part of their brain is in an awake state while another part is in a sleeping state.

Our bodies have an automatic time set of when we wake up with or without an alarm.  It’s a biological gene in our bodies that everybody has.  Our bodies are told by our brains when it needs sleep and when it needs to be awake.
As people get older, there need for sleep goes down gradually.  Older people aren’t growing anymore and they are able to but the strain on their bodies because they are growing anymore.

Light can regulate our bodies sleeping habits too.  There are now alarm clocks that wake people up by slowly giving off light and playing nature sounds that eventually build up in volume.  We have a timer in us that makes us sleep when we do.  Even if we were to travel a few time zones to the other, our bodies are still used to the previous time zone.  Our body adjusts really well to these types of conditions and

Have you ever wondered how you fall asleep at night?

Ever had trouble with your sleep and not knowing whats wrong?

Ever wondered if you have a sleep problem?

17 thoughts on “How Your Body Sleeps

  1. I often wake up at the same time everyday, in the summer. sometimes it takes me a long time to fall asleep so i usually end up reading myself to sleep. when i work hard during the day such as doing construction work, i will fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. the time it takes to fall asleep should be between 5-15 minutes. if it takes you longer than that, then it can mean you are sleep deprived.

  2. Many people are not aware of how much sleep you actually need. Researchers have found that 20 percent of people’s average amount of sleep has been cut. Most people need nine to ten hours of sleep ,but most Americans have only been getting six to seven hours. Researchers have also found that many people do not even feel fully alert anymore because they are so used to not getting enough sleep. Many people also have sleeping problems. For example, sleep insomnia which is where people may toss and turn for hours before actually falling asleep. On the other hand, there are solutions such as pills that you can take. All in all, sleep is important to all and many have not been getting enough.

  3. Sleep is increasingly recognized as important to public health. An estimated 50-70 million US adults have sleep or wakefulness disorder. Notably, snoring is a major indicator of obstructive sleep apnea. The National Sleep Foundation suggests that school-age children (5-10 years) need 10-11 hours of sleep daily, teens (10-17 years) need 8.5-9 hours, and adults need 7-9 hours. In 2009, only 31% of high school students reported getting at least 8 hours of sleep on an average school night.

  4. The topic of sleep is a very interesting to me because every single person in the world has to sleep. As you said in your article, humans spend one third of our lives sleeping. This may seem like a waste of life to some people, but that’s not the way I see it because i love to recharge at night. I believe the worst part about sleeping is waking up in the morning, like you mentioned in your article letting go of those covers can be way tough! There can be many different reasons to why getting out of bed in the morning may be difficult and varies with every person. It may be difficult because you have a serious problem with sleeping or if you simply are way to comfortable to let go of those covers and get your day started. Something else that is pretty amazing about the topic of sleep, is that your brain is most active while you sleep and that humans can dream. Amazing!

  5. I found this article VERY interesting. It gives me an idea of a cause for my sleep apnea, and it has given me ways to avoid having troubles sleeping. I was surprised to see how many people suffer from sleeping problems in the United States. 50-70 million?! I didn’t think it was nearly that many. There are many great websites to get more info for your topic, but I chose one that I think will help a little more than the rest.

  6. The thought of me having a sleeping disorder has crossed my brain a few times. During my research that I did, I found that there are not any symptoms really when looking for a sleep disorder. Most people are diagnosed by what a partner or family member has observed. There are many types of sleep disorders and this websites shows little signs of some of them. It wouldn’t hurt if you went in to get testing done for a sleeping disorder. Sleep is very important to our bodies. So if you feel something is wrong with your sleeping patterns go in and get tested. That would detect if you do or don’t have a sleeping disorder.

  7. Sleep is very important. This article is very good because it talks about how we sleep and how our bodies need sleep. The alarm clock topic of sleep was very interesting. It was interesting because our body get so use to the alarm we just automatically get up. Even, about 5 minutes before our alarm clock goes off. In the post, it talks a lot about alarms and sleeping. It could use more information on this topic since it is how our bodies sleep. I wanted to know how we all fall asleep. So, I did some of my own research a little.

  8. I’ve had some sleeping problems in my past, but nothing severe enough to the point that I’ve seen a doctor about it. It’s really hard for me to go to sleep in absolute silence, so I have a fan running every night, even in the winter. Sometimes I even go to sleep with the TV on. I have noticed, however, that I get a better night’s sleep when my TV is off. I have also noticed that I have trouble falling asleep when there’s a lot on my mind.

    This article even suggests that sleeping with the television on can lead to depression.

  9. Your article about our body’s natural sleep pattern and habits was incredibly informal and really made me aware of having a good night’s sleep. I answered your question of “How do you fall asleep at night?” There are 4 stages to falling alseep in everybody’s sleep schedule. Step one is where we start to doze off and our brain begins to slow down. This is usually the type of sleep we get into while on a car ride or in class. Stage two includes very calm brain activity, slow breathing – you no longer are aware of your surroundings but could easily be awaken. Stage three and four are both much more difficult to wake people. Your breathing begins to fall into a steady rhythm and your entire body relaxes. When you are tired, you are craving deep sleep that occurs during this final stages. 90 minutes of going through these four steps, and REM occurs. This is another light sleep phase, and where most dreams take place. This will usually last around 30 minutes, and then the four previous stages take place. In one night’s sleep, the entire process of the 4 steps and REM cycle around 4-6 times. As the night progresses though, less of steps 3 and 4 happen, so in the morning we get a lot more 1, 2, and REM time – which is why it’s easier for us to wake. I found all of this to be really interesting, coinsiding with your blog post.

    1. Sleep has always interested me, sometimes I go to bed earlier then normal, and wake up in the morning much more tired then I would be if I would have waited an extra 2 hours to go to bed. After I read your comment I decided to research a little bit more into the stages of sleep and found that in some cases more sleep can be worse for your body then less sleep, If you spend a lot of time in the first stage of sleep, you are more likely to be tired in the morning, and want to make up for that by sleeping more, I also found that if your body goes into a “deep sleep” or stage 4 of falling asleep for a longer time then it needs, you can wake up in a stage referred to as “sleep drunkenness” where you just feel in a groggy “whatever” mood, for lack of a better term. The key to getting a good nights sleep is getting the perfect amount of sleep your body needs, don’t oversleep, don’t undersleep, and make sure you go to sleep in the right environment, for example going to sleep with a T.V. blaring in the background probably isn’t best to get a healthy night of sleep.

  10. I thought this article was very interesting. A lot of it came from the fact of the alarm clocks. I tend to wake up aggravated and annoyed with my loud obnoxious alarm clock so I actually might switch to one of these new alarm clocks. This might be a good thing for me to have for the summer. Also when I was doing further research I found out that a huge part of getting a good night sleep is preparation of sleep. Once cannot simply go into bed after running a long distance and expect to get to sleep. Very interesting article keep up the good work.

  11. I always knew outside elements can affect how a person sleeps and never quite wondered how I fall asleep. Mostly, I just assume I just nod off and my brain just sort of drifts too. I don’t think I’ve ever had any sort of trouble with my sleeping habits that I know of. For a while I thought I had insomnia because I stayed up at night and would not fall asleep until really, really late, but I figured it was because I slept later and so went to bed later as a result. Though, I wonder if sleeping habits change with the seasons also, because of light and whatnot.

  12. Sleep is a lot more important than everyone thinks. When you are sleeping, your body recharges you so you can function at your best. It also maintains chemical balances that create better moods and fights off diseases and even obesity. Like you said, our body adjusts to light when sleeping whether it be natural light or artificial light from light bulbs. Before the time of electricity the body would be able to adjust to light very easily, but now it takes time for it to adjust because of the extra light produced by electricity. When we wake up to early, our body’s rhythm is thrown off. People think they are getting enough sleep, but in reality they are hurting their body’s because the body’s clock is being thrown off.

  13. I’ve wondered how I wake up sometimes because one time I forgot to set an alarm and I still woke up at the usaul time that I normally do, and this blog helps me understand more that our brains have a little timer of their own. The only trouble I’ve had with sleep is if I over sleep I’m super tired but if I don’t get enough sleep I’m just fine and not tired. I’ve never wondered if I’ve had a sleeping problem or not. i think my sleeping habits are pretty normal for being a teenager that is.

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