How Do Concussions affect your life After You Have Had One?

            A concussion is a head injury that is caused after you have taken a blow to the head. A concussion is something that really affects your life after you have had one. After you have a concussion they come much easier after.

If have taken a blow to the head there are some things that you can check for to see if you have one. One of the biggest red flags is the dizziness and the vomiting. There is also some other things that you can check for after taking a blow to the head. If you have no energy and are sleeping way more than normal that is another sign of one but just because one day you sleep 10 hours one night instead of 8 hours just don’t freak out and think you have a concussion. There are some ways to fix a concussion, well there’s really no way to fix it but there are things you can to do make it go away faster.

I have heard anything from walk, run or ride a bike but don’t ever try to drive in recent time after a concussion. Things that a concussion can cause in the long run after you have had a concussion. If you just have had one concussion it might affect a little bit of short or long term memory loss, the really affect gets bad after you have 3 for or even 4 concussions there you get them way easier and faster. It will lead to really bad short and long term memory loss. And I think that if you are in a sport and get more then 4 or 5 concussions (not sure which one) you can no longer play the sport. Head injuries are very serious injuries and a lot of people do not take them very serious. Most people that get concussions only think that they have to only sit out for a couple of days and end up getting reinjured  one something that wouldn’t have gotten them hurt before, and end up with a worse problem.

 Problems that can occur after you have a concussion, there’s a lot that can go wrong such here are a few. Memory loss weather it is sort of long term memory loss, you will have trouble remembering things that you just got told or new news. Dizziness is another thing that can be caused and vomiting which no one wants. It takes usually 5-7 days to get fully recovered from a concussion. When somebody gets a concussion or have had a history of bad concussions you should never let the person fall asleep.  And to recover from a concussion you should walk outside or run never drive a motorized vehicle. There are also many things that you can to protect against concussions to such as wearing your helmet when you are riding your bike, and also make sure you always have the proper stuff on when playing contact sports.

 A lot of people always ask the question well how do I get a concussion? There’s hundred maybe even thousands of ways. Well you fall and hit you head on something hard or you take a big hit in sports. A concussion is a bruise on the brain as the picture above shows. There are a lot of new rules in sports now such as stop signs on the back of hockey players jerseys so other players do not cheap shot them from behind. In the NFL (National Football League) there are being find for head shots on players, its so that players are affected so bad down the road.  There are 1000’s of sports related concussions every year and so now there are more and more rules to protect players in every sport. My personal opion is that they are ruining sports such as pro football now players are getting to have to serve suspensions and pay fines just because they sack the quarterback. Instead of keeping track of players sacks there should kept track of their fines.

In conclusion we have learned that concussions are very serious head injuries that people never really take serious. We have also learned of many ways that we can get a concussion from and other ways to make them go away much faster. We have also heard of some safety processions that you can take to help not get a concussions. You have also been informed about concussions in sports and new rules that are being place of already in place.

One Question is that people wonder is do some people get concussions easier then others?

How do people get concussions?

Finally what is there differant kinds of concussions?

5 thoughts on “How Do Concussions affect your life After You Have Had One?

  1. I think the post was very well written and interesting until about the fifth paragraph. The paragraph had a few things wrong with it like, it said the picture is above and there was no picture. Also when you started talking about the nil fining people for “asking” the quarterback players only get fined when giving brutal hits and when I clicked on the NFL link hit had nothing to do with hits but a story about a former player forgetting stuff do to his concussion. I think the link should have been more about the concussion and how it affects him. Former bears quarterback Jim McMahon forgets his wife sometimes he forgets what he did that morning. Your link if more about suing the NFL then the effect on concussions Other than the fifth paragraph I thought the blog was really well written and well researched.

  2. Your article was very helpful and informative. I just thought that some of the ideas in your article were out of place. I have done some research and have answered your question at the end of your article. How do people get concussions? People receive concussions by hitting/banging their head, which causes the brain to become bruised. About every 21 seconds in the United States someone has a brain injury. The most common reason for a concussion is high-contact sports. There are many symptoms to check for if you believe you have a concussion. The most common symptoms for a concussion would be: blurry vision, sensitivity to light or noise, sleep disturbance, headache, nausea, dizziness, and poor balance/coordination.

  3. Your topic was interesting but had some grammer issues. I will answer your question about the different tpyes of concussions. My researched said that there is 3 different types of concussions. They are mild (grade 1), moderate (grade 2), and severe (grade 3). If you have grade 1 that means that you have had concussion symptoms fro less than 15 minutes. If you had grade 2 then you would not have had any loss of consciousness but you symptoms would be there for more than 15 minutes. And if you had grade 3 the person would have lost consciouness for some amount of time. To prevent getting a concussion you should: wear protective eye equipment, drive and ride smart, and don’t get into fights.

  4. Your article was well researched and thought out. Some people just don’t realize how detrimental a concussion can be if you get one. However I greatly disagree on the fact that they should be counted on the number of fines they have gotten. I believe that would just seem to glorify the fact that they gave a quarterback a concussion. Just like the Saints tried to do but they got caught and were fined and investigated very heavily. Injuring players on purpose would be even more harming to the sport than the fact that they are fining players for hard hits. This excessive fining is what’s ruining the sport not fact that the players are hitting too hard.

  5. Some of the grammar was wrong in the article. You kind of go off topic when you get to the concussions in sports. I really do not know what a concussion is from your article. The picture of the bruise on the brain is not there. The concussion can cause bleeding in the brain. People can experience concussion symptoms after they got a concussion call Postconcussion syndrome. Controversial research that suggests individuals who suffer repeated concussions, such as football players, may be at risk for a distinct type of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

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